Het Bewuste Pad
Leven Laten Leven
Guidelines to the workings of The Life's Circle(s)
![]() Reciprocity - Giving ánd Receiving The LifeCircle(s) Guidlines on behalf of The LifeCircle written in 2012 and posted in 'Community' (Nederlandse tekst) We Embed the Transition (in English). Here under you find guidelines to the workings of The LifeCircle(s) These are not rules, but more inspirations (and mutual agreements) and you apply them regarding your own insights: exactly how it feels good to you in the NOW-moment. Which can be different again tomorrow because you are continuously (inner) growing. Pay close attention to question 14, because it is actually the first and most important question or rather CHOICE: Do not create a new SYSTEM (stop system-thinking), and just choose to live together and facilitate this way of living together. 1) Do I have to pay before I can embed the Transition and want to join the LifeCircle? No, there is no membership-fees. Everyone who wants to keep access to life in a free state, IS standing within THE LifeCircle. THE LifeCircle is a overall global circle consisting of people who want to live together from free unconditional access to life. And choose to act upon this choice in their own life. The LifeCircle, the embedding of the Transition, knows no organization. You stand IN the LifeCircle. Or not. There is no organization, coalition, institution, establishment or whatever group where you have to opt-in. The LifeCircle is not an institution and there are no institutional workings or practices. 2) Is the LifeCircle an institution? No, as you can see in the response to question 1) the LifeCircle is not an institution and does not practice institutional behaviors. So there is also no control-office or something like that. All control and structures have been released. The LifeCircle, the embedding of the Transition, is a way of living together, no unnatural layers are put over direct living together: so there is nothing placed in between you and Mother Nature, nothing in between you and your fellow man. This will halt all canalizing and harvesting of your lifeforce-energy. 3) What does it mean that the LifeCircle is a way of living together? What is meant by 'a way of living together' is that those standing in the LifeCircle wish to keep access to life in a shared state and conduct themselves by embedding the Transition. There are no further additions. You are perfectly capable to govern your own life and the relations / connections there in. 4) What does access to life mean? Access to life means you have enough financial means in the form of euro (dollar) to physically sustain your life: to get your basic needs met. Being a roof over your head, clean drinking water, food, warmth, so your first and foremost needs and not more then that. What you wish to aspire beyond that can be done by bringing forth your talents and ask a freely available means of exchange in exchange for this. 5) How high is the euro amount (dollar, etc.) to ones life access? The hight to life access is the amount of (500-) 750-1000,00 (in the Netherlands: that could be different in your country / area). This means we let amounts above (500-) 750-1000,00 flow through as embedding of the Transition. Everyone van contribute to the free life's access of their fellow man/woman and make a mutual agreement which amount is needed in their country / area to get their basic needs met. So you can decide between each other (in your country or area) that you want to make a 1000,00 available for each other. Or 500, all possible. Or if you are someone with a lot of money and you want to contribute to the free access to life of your fellow men who have fallen outside of the welfare rules for example and because of this cann't pay their first needs anymore, you are free to do so. The Transition can be easily facilitated with ICT. The non-banking facilitation platform Money Place (aka Equi Place) facilitated the Transition: she has been dissolved, because a facilitation platform only can facilitate an already made choice... a choice that is not made by individuals in society can not be facilitated. The description of these magnificent facilitating functionalities of Money Place doesn't go away of course. The awareness within the workings of Money Place will never disappear. Even though she has been pushed out of the equation to this day: at the moment I am talking with someone who possibly want and can build a new facilitating platform. 6) What does 'my' LifeCircle mean? THE LifeCircle includes all individual LifeCircles. So 'my' LifeCircle refers to someones individual LifeCircle. For example in 'my own individual LifeCircle' there are 25 people max who contribute to my free life's access (25 x euro 10,00 = euro 250,00 on a monthly basis... this is the amount I need to get my basic needs met: the reality of the now is that I only receive euro 11,00 on a monthly basis out of my LifeCircle). Everyone can just create and facilitate their own LifeCircle. Everyone can choose themselves to whom he or she wants to contribute. There is no steering and no control. As I mentioned below question 5) I am at the moment talking to someone who can and want to build a new platform. Within the platform the facilitation of the Life's Circles will be included. Read the texts of 'my' Life's Cirle again if you would like to. Update may 15th 2015 Equi and Money Place (aka Equi Place) were here since 2007 but are dissolved may 15th 2015. Because Money Place is dissolved it no longer facilitates Life's Circles. All Money Place accounts (remember those were not banking accounts as we know them from the current banks, since Money Place was a non-bank) are expired. Up until the 15th of may 2015 euro's (dollars, etc.) could be bought and payed in Equi. That is no longer possible. 7) What is the difference between a Life's Circle bankaccount and an appreciation-account? In this answer I speak about accounts at your current bank. On a Life's Circle bankaccount you receive an amount from access to life. These are amounts from your individual Life's Circle, welfare, social security, housing allowence and other benefits. On an appreciation-account you receive amounts as appreciation in exchange of your talents / your labor. So wages paid, an income and so on. REALIZE that it is not needed at all to have more then one bankaccount (you even need none): I only make this difference to make it more clear to you what is access to life and what you receive in exchange of your labor. All that you receive as life's access in excess of (500-) 750-1000.00 you completely contribute/flow it through to the LifeCircle: your existence money is completely fulfilled then so the amount in surplus of your existence money you directly and fully let flow through to the Life's Circle of someone else. And from what you receive in your appreciation-account you let 1-10% flow to the LifeCircle: the percentage / part you let flow through from your appreciation-account is completely up to your free inspiration... Example 1): you receive from your LifeCircle 300,00. Your existence money, so the amount you as an individual need to physically be alive, has been set at 1000,00 (which is the maximum) by you. And you receive from your appreciation-account 1000,00 euro. Then you first transfer/flow through 700,00 to your own LifeCircle accountnumber, so you would receive 1000,00 in life's access. From the remaining amount on your appreciation-account 300,00 euro, you transfer/flow through 1-10% to someone who wants to receive free untaxing and unburdening access to life, or to more people a small amount, depending of what you want. Do you have to transfer/flow through 1-10%? No, nothing is a must! It is your own free choice to do so, because you want to keep access to life in a shared state. Example 2): you receive from your LifeCircle 1100,00 (from different people) onto your LifeCircle-account. And you receive 800,00 euro onto your appreciation-account. Then you would transfer/flow through 100,00 euro from your LifeCircle-account directly to 1 or more people who want to receive access to life, existence money, too. Besides doing that you transfer/flow through 1-10% of 800,00 euro to 1 or more people who want to receive free access to life, existence money. It is the mutual agreement that you directly let flow through amounts above 1000,00 euro (dollar, etc.) received from your LifeCircle. So this is an agreement with yourself and with those who stand together with you in THE LifeCircle. Do you have to transfer/flow through 1-10% of your appreciation-account? No, there is no must! It is your own free choice to do so, because you want keep access to life in a shared state. Example 3): you receive 800,00 euro unemployment benefits. Besides that you receive housing-allowance of 200,00 euro (depending upon the amount of total rent needed) and 50,00 euro care allowance (depending upon the total cost of health-insurance). Together this is 1050,00 euro you receive in life's access! It is not received unconditionally, but you do receive it. Everything surplus 1000,00 euro you transfer/let flow through to The LifeCircle: in this case you would let flow through 50,00 euro directly to 1 or more people who wish to receive access to life. In example 3) things can get tricky of course. Because it is usually assumed that one can barely get around on unemployment benefits including the allowances. And yet: I do know some good examples of people who with a family of 2 kids can make it on un-employment benefits. And I know people who can barely get around with an income of 5000,00 euro a month. I myself live of a monthly budget of less then 300,00 euro (with regard to insurances I would like to refer you to the insights coming from Life's access: you can also apply Life's access to the amount you possibly need for expenses in case of a 'disease'. Besides that your whole convictions concerning 'disease' will adjust and change, because 'disease' does not exist). Every euro-expense that I have, I hold up to the light: do I really need this? This is a conscious choice, because I want to contribute that little as possible to the current taxing and burdening (money)systems and structures. Everyone can make these choices in their own lives. Life's access is Life's access. 8) Is it a must that you let flow through 1-10% of your income to the LifeCircle? In the text of 'my' LifeCircle it is written that the thought is that when everyone let flow through 1-10% of their income on behalf of the life's access of your fellow human (that can be 1, but also more humans towards whom you let flow through an amount) anybody, globally, can receive free unconditional access to life. See more question 7). 9) Free unconditional and untaxing and unburdening life's access: how's that? As you know now, the free unconditional and untaxing and unburdening access to life has been confiscated by laws and regulations placed over direct natural living together. The deepest restoration takes place when these laws and regulations dissolve. There are different ways to restore life's access. The LifeCircle, embedding the Transition is one of them. The one programming rule rather Existence Money which the current banks can implement within 1 day is another one. So the deepest restoration takes place when the current taxing and burdening laws and regulations dissolve and natural law is reintroduced upon Earth again. 'Basic income' offers unconditional access to life, but not free and taxes are still involved (furthermore 'basic income' doesn't acknowledge that WE people are the economical value of money and nothing outside us is). The politics are bickering for years already (really for decades) about how to finance 'basic income', which is huge non sense. So 'basic income' does offer a roof over your head, food, clean drinking water, clothes, warmth, etc. unconditional. But it offers no free and untaxing and unburdening living together. 'Basic income' is about redistribution of money and taxes. While we know by now that taxes are illegal and unnecessary. Besides that redistribution of 'old' money is outdated, because money is transformed already years ago into 'new money'. The one programmingrule does offer a free and untaxing and unburdening living together which costs nothing. Via this page you can read how supporters of 'basic income' can offer each other a 'basic income' (which is then transmuted into existence money). 10) What are the effects of offering each other access to life aka existence money? As a result of receiving access to life, existence money, your life's energy and your talents can flow freely and come into creative expression. And not just your life's energy and talents, but everyone's. It is always about the I-in-We. Perceived from free and untaxing and unburdening living together, it is never about the individual (yes also, but it goes way deeper) it is about I-in-We. Not about I and you. No, it's about I-in-We, about the true each other. When we receive free unconditional access to life, many things will fall over and dissolve. Many jobs that where created to keep the current taxing and burdening systems in to place, will be redundant and dissolve. Eventually also the rules and regulations that have been placed over direct natural living together will dissolve. That will unfold by itself. And finally natural law can be restored onto Earth. Via this link you can read what will dissolve as soon as we live together from a shared access to life. 11) Do I have to publicly be transparent in the LifeCircle overview on Money Place? No, that is not a must. There are many ways in which you can live together from free unconditional access to life. You are free in how you express this with others in your direct surrounding / in your direct connections and relations. There is no evangelization. Realize that WE-ourself choose full transparency! Do you have to make all public that is private? No, we only make transparent that which is needed because WE-ourself want to OFFER EACH OTHER reliability. Money Place facilitates LifeCircles. Update may 15th 2015 Equi and Money Place were here since 2007 but are dissolved may 15th 2015. Because Money Place has been dissolved, she no longer facilitates LifeCircles. All Equi accounts have been expired. Till May 15th 2015 euro's could be bought and payed in Equi. That is not longer possible. 12) I feel the internal impulse that I want to live together from free unconditional access to life, but I have not read all the texts yet. Do I have to? No, there are no conditions in that sense. You don't have to have an expanded consciousness FIRST, be kinder or whatever FIRST (for example ascention as the new-age movement brings forth, is not a condition) before you can make the choice to stand inside THE LifeCircle. This choice comes from within. Just because you feel life is meant to be lived without all the rules, laws, structures, institutes etc. So for example we also don't have to first prevent the confiscation of household goods and legacy. Not first. Nothing has to happen first before we can live together this way. This is exactly the reason why living together in this way has been held back. Because many people today still think that something has to happen first, but that is not true. You can choose NOW for this way of living together. All the rest is free creation. You will see that when we life together from free unconditional access to life, existence money, many things will dissolve (to recap on the text via this link). Also confiscation of household goods and legacy. Because those practices will not take place anymore. Just because everyone is receiving free unconditional access to life. For 'the time being' during the transition phase it is perfectly fine that there are procedures to prevent the confiscation of for example household goods and legacy. (Via this link you can read what can be done before you have debt collectors.) But there is nothing standing befóre the choice to want to live together from shared access to life. And the bailiffs will just receive their unconditional access to life also of course. We are 7bilj people on earth. There is enough for us all. If we LIVE our hears-desire to just live together organic on Earth then there is no force great enough to keep us from doing so. Do you realize that the 'powers that be (were)' are also part of the 7bilj? 13) Don't you think there should come local selfsufficient communities into existence?? Those that want to live selfsufficient can already partly choose to do so. You can, for example, start with permaculture yourself. That is not that complicated to learn. You can get more knowledge on how to cook without using gas and/or electricity. You can research how to heat your direct environment without gas and/or electricity as well. Drilling a water well for fresh drinking water is harder: you find drinking water only just on the depth of 80m deep and you need special licenses and dispensations for this. Growing local food offers the surrounding people fresh local products, (local honey can be used for hay fever) and is cheaper obviously. Local herbs from free nature can be used as medicine: food as medicine. But local is not a condition for my. If you like something from far away you can just import it. From free unconditional access to life, existence money, all products and services go to the logical value. You may see community in a very broad sense. Globally for example. Or you can keep your community local. It is about building a strong connection with each other as a community from the awareness of being inter-in-dependent. Inter-dependent because we as people are not meant to simply live alone in this world as an individual and inter-in-dependent, because from free unconditional access to life, existence-money, we can choose in all freedom with who and what we connect ourselves with. So real essential freedom and real essential connections/relations. 14) Is money the purpose? This is actually the first and most important question to be asked! No, money is only a means: it facilitates exchange. Nothing more and nothing less. You can (re) listen to the interview that I had with Ad Broere. There is no goal. There is a choice to want to live together from a shared access to life and existence money is the expression thereof. Living together and LIVING life in a free creative flow. Do not create a new SYSTEM (stop system-thinking), just choose to live together and facilitate this way of living together like Money Place did. When the inner impulse of the desire to really live together comes from within society self, society can let facilitate herself in her choice through a surrounding compared to Money Place was: at this moment I am talking with someone who possibly can and want built a new Money Place as a 'try-out' surrounding. 15) Are there people receiving access to life, existence money, through a LifeCircle at this moment? Because everyone is free to decide who he or she let flow through existence money, I do not know who receives free unconditional access to life, existence money, FROM a LifeCircle. Besides there can be many LifeCircle's along side each other, in both the Netherlands as well as other countries. There is no steering and no control. The full message of the LifeCircle is that we publicly show that we leave access to life in a shared state and we act accordingly (by flowing through 1-10% of our income to someone or more people, who stand within the LifeCircle also) ánd that we publicly show and make visible that we want to receive unconditional access to life. At this moment (August 2019) there is in the whole world no-one who receives free unconditional access to life, existence money, as far as I know. There are people however, who for example, receive existence money through their partner: for example a partner who draws an income to him/herself that supports the whole family. This means hat the other members of the family receive existence money. And then the group of people who receive (social welfare) benefits: they are receiving existence-money too, be it in a terrible conditional and controlled manner. 16) Can someone who receives access to life, existence money, FROM a (social welfare) benefit stand in a LifeCircle? It can be that you receive access to life, existence money, from a (social welfare) benefit and sureties and allowances. Then you receive access to life (see explanation above). You are however NOT receiving free unconditional access to life. So if you feel it is your birthright to receive free unconditional access to life, expressed in existence money, then you don't receive that from a conditional (social welfare) benefit, sureties and allowances. And so you also can publicly show that you do want to receive free unconditional access to life. You can re-read question 7, where is explained that receiving (social welfare) benefit, sureties, and allowances is considered as receiving conditional access to life. Amounts higher then 1000,00 received from both conditional (through (social welfare) benefits, and allowances) as unconditional access to life (from a LifeCircle) you let flow through to someone or more people who wish to receive free access to life also. (Are you in a (social welfare) benefit situation? At this moment I would say, just leave it as it is. The control institutes like social services just need to leave you alone. You can give them this information if you want to, so that you bring in the new impulse in their organization as well. And of course you can pass on the consciousness that lays underneath 'free untaxing and unburdening living together' into society: there is great power in doing so... no longer forwarding / communicating the 'old', but the 'new' from the transmuted realm within yourself / your psyche). 17) Is 'new' existence money a legal tender? Realize that the word legal in our language is figuratively used: legal in our language means according to written law. The truth however is that all written laws are unlawful and unlegal according to 'Natural Law'. See for explanation of the meaning of Universal Law by the New Earth Life Academy from the New Paradigm program. Furthermore it is so that the national bank has no direct power over 'alternative' currencies. 'New' existence money is a self created means of exchange via a Facilitation Platform and a Facilitation Platform is a 'non-bank'. A 'non-bank' needs no permission of a national bank for programs that can transfer value as long as they are not actually involved in issuing physical circulating money (paper money and coins). 'New' existence money is a digital means of exchange with which you can buy euro's (dollar, etc.) to pay for your life's needs. 18) What will happen if the government starts facilitating our living togetherness as our representatives and implement The One Programming rule? As soon as The One Programming rule aka existence money is implemented, euro starts working as 'new' existence money, and everyone in the Netherlands will receive free unconditional access to life. This means a totally new situation whereby all LifeCircles have become unnecessary and will dissolve. Obviously The One Programming rule can be applied globally, so that every Human on Earth receives free unconditional access to life. 19) (I receive my access to life, existence money, through a (social welfare) benefit and) I have debts (mortgage, 'loans', or another form of debt) what does the LifeCircle do for me then? You know now that you receive access to life from a (social welfare) benefit. However NOT unconditional, but very deeply conditional and controlled. But you do receive your existence money in the here and now. It can be that you have built up debts as result of previously made choices in your life in the past. And that with the awareness of today you probably would have made different choices in the past. These life's choices of the past have their echo in the now: so you experience daily the echo's of your own past life's choices. There is no judgment in this: if you had known different, you would have made different choices in the past. If you would make the same choices today as you did in the past you are probably not reading my information, because when you would do so you come from deep 'old' awareness, or either you are aware and are consciously making the lifeTaking choices (still no judgment, I am just pointing out what is fact). The LifeCircle does not dissolve your debts: that is not the intention of the LifeCircle. You can make repayments from your existence money of course: your existence money is yours and you do with it as you please. Debts can be dissolved through crowd power processes among each other. Via this page I speak more about this. And via the description of the functionalities of Money Place you find even more inspiration about the in crowd power dissolving of debts among each other. 20) What if the transmuted 'government' implements the other life's impulses? When the 'government' finally facilitates our organic living together on Earth, so both The One Programming Rule (existence money) and the other life's impulses... both the lifecircles and the in crowd power dissolving debts among each other expire. And will there eventually be a complete different situation on Earth because abundance is no longer robbed from us and back in our midst: then we have access to what we need again and the caused inequity between 'poor' and 'rich' is corrected. Because of this more and more will move back in its original state of Being. Until we reach the point that we, collectively, choose to return 'Home': leave 'Home' together, come 'Home' together. In time questions might be added or answers might be adjusted due to progressing insights. So I invite you to revisit this page again. Deeper insights from 'Free Untaxing and Unburdening living together' are available via articles on my website. You can make you choice to live together from Free untaxing and unburdening living together make just all by yourself. You don't need support for that. If you have the need for someone who looks together with you in all the things that will dissolve in your life as soon as you choose for free untaxing and unburdening living together, I'm available for you. Via my blogs I give you insight into the simplicity and joyfulness of living together from shared access to life, where existence money is an expression of. Also I show you what many do and think now from a confused and entangled psyche instead of leaving access to life in a shared state. Hereby you receive tools by which you more and more will be able to recognize and acknowledge the difference within yourself in what living together from access to life is and what its not. You are very welcome to react to the texts on my blog after you have subscribed. I wish you much reading pleasure and inspiration from the articles on my blog. Besides that I have designed The New Earth Life Academy from the New Paradigm and have made it freely available as homeschooling. My YouTube channel where I offer several playlists, among which Emotional Freedom Technique's (EFT) and Transformational Breathing. Sorry not all links are in English, when somebody wants to translate, please feel free to do so or use google translate. |