Het Bewuste Pad
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Helping labor to happen
trefwoorden: bevalling | english | intimiteit | kinderen | opvoeding | organic earth | orgastisch | relaties | relationships | schepping | sex(ualiteit) | sex(uality) | tantra | transformation | verbondenheid | womb-power | zwangerschap
Someone clever once said: if you want to know how to do something, watch and copy those who’ve done it already. With this in mind, please use the woman who experienced natural birth before you as a resource. Good fortune may have played some part in their good births, but also many other things besides: stuff they understood, faith they developed, ways they prepared. You can learn about these things.
Delegate giving birth to your body For labor to go well, one thing is key – being able to delegate giving birth to your body. But handing over and letting our bodies take charge isn’t easy. Not when we’ve spent our lives to the point of pregnancy focussing on thinking intelligently, valuing control and having a plan. How on earth do we take our hands off the wheel? It takes time – and certainly some preparation. A regular pregnancy tantra or active birth workshop and bodywork is one good way of shifting the focus away from what you’re thinking, onto what you’re feeling, of getting body and mind more in synch. Just the act of stopping and breathing, feeling what it feels like to be pregnant for a couple of hours a week, results in a kind of re-sensitising. Women get what is often a fresh but curiously familiar glimpse of how good it feels just to feel, to let go. It starts to dawn that if your body has grown a baby without thought or conscious effort on your part, chances are it has a reasonably reliable plan for getting the baby out. The shy hormone Central to that plan is a hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin is quite literally the petrol in the engine, labor’s driver and without it, contractions can’t happen. When your body’s oxytocin flow is inhibited, contractions will be weak, and/or ineffective, or even stop, and this leads to slow progress, low morale, and tiredness. It’s then that interventions start getting suggested, for example being induced, or having an epidural. These speed up or slow down labor in a way that makes it more difficult for you and your baby to cope and often lead to further interventions. When women fail to progress, they are sometimes made to feel it’s their bodies that are at fault. But almost always it’s because hormone flow is being stemmed. So it’s crucial that oxytocin flows undisturbed. It is THE key to helping labor to happen. How can you encourage it? It’s helpful to think of oxytocin as a shy hormone: privacy and safety are the most important things for getting it flowing. It is released by the deep, primitive part of your brain responsible for automatic functioning, like digestion, sleep, sex, breastfeeding, and going to the loo. This part cannot get active to order, and certainly not while your rational brain is on duty, when you are having to think clearly, be self-aware, engage in conversation or make decisions. Think how hard it is to get to sleep when you’re trying to. As with all automatic behaviour, your brain has to switch down and step back. The most important conditions for creating good oxytocin flow are privacy and safety. If women don’t feel safe, or aren’t given the chance to withdraw and feel unobserved, they’ll remain mentally alert and labor will slow and stall. Below is more general guide for what can help and hinder it. Oxytocin friends
Many of these oxytocin-friends can be much easier to come by at home than in an unfamiliar, brightly lit hospital a car ride away. Go in too early and all the new and strange elements, like meeting your midwife, or having to wait for a room, or the sudden awareness of time and deadlines, can wake you up and throw your body off its stride. Whereas once in established labor, everything often accelerates away. You get a ‘system’, hit your stride, natural endorphins soften your edges, and the strong physical sense that all these contractions are taking you somewhere, keeps you focussed and on top. At this stage, if you do choose to go into hospital, the disruptions and distractions there are then less likely to slow things down. Understanding what real labor is, and what it isn’t Understanding what established labor feels and looks like, is therefore key to an easy natural birth. Many antenatal workshops and most birth books will tell you that when contractions start coming every three minutes, and are lasting a minute, you're in labor. But for the vast majority, this will not be labor and you will likely be only 2 or 3 cm dilated. Ask a midwife or doula if you're in labor when contractions first start coming every 3 minutes and she will say no. Wait two or three hours more. Have a bath. Get a rhythm, and wait until
It’s important to note that the build-up to this can be anything from a couple of hours to a few days And that’s hard. But be patient, wait until the signals above are in evidence, trust the ejection impulse, and you really do stand a very good chance of having your baby arrive without complication. Exceptions are rare, but if you do turn out to be someone who’s in established labor when contractions are still very spaced, you will very likely be feeling other urgent sensations: a sense of dropping, or your pelvis is filling up: pressure in your bottom. These sensations will be guide enough for you to know when being in labor and you want to call a midwife or doula if you are having a homebirth. Also note, that the pointers are a guide for first-time mums. Though subsequent labors have the same signals, you’re likely to feel it all much more quickly and suddenly. mascha roedelof Please spread this column mentioning the Source mas©ha 2018 Tips Kijk hoe Noël ons laat zien hoe vreugdevol het geboorte geven proces beleefd kan worden Hoe meer vrouwen (en mannen) een natuurlijke geboorte mee kunnen beleven door beelden zoals gemaakt door Noël en gezin, hoe meer vrouwen (en mannen) in contact komen met hun eigen natuurlijke krachten waardoor ze niet langer manipuleerbaar zijn Een filmpje over een stuitbevalling. De bevalling vindt thuis plaats in bad. In Nederland vindt een stuitbevalling in het ziekenhuis plaats om de veiligheid van de baby te waarborgen. Als een baby in stuit ligt kiezen vrouwen vaak voor een keizersnede. In dit filmpje zie je dat een stuitbevalling ook een ‘normale’ geboorte is. Wanneer je de baby zoveel mogelijk met rust laat, geduldig wacht en de weeën hun werk laat doen is er geen stress… I have made texts and insights from free and unburdened and unburdening living together freely available on my blog 'We ARE the New Earth', my daughter website 'Het Gekruide Pad', and also via the texts, insights, and columns on my website Het Bewuste Pad. When you want to value my texts and insights, I invite you to express you valuation by contributing to my free existence. De verdiepende teksten en inzichten vanuit de Bron en de essentie van Tantra op mijn blog 'Samen Leven vanuit de Essentie van Tantra' en de tag 'Tantra' op deze website, mijn dochter website 'Het Gekruide Pad', en de teksten, inzichten en columns op mijn website Het Bewuste Pad, stel ik vrijelijk beschikbaar. Als je mijn teksten en inzichten wilt waarderen, nodig ik je uit daar expressie aan te geven door bij te dragen aan mijn vrije bestaan. |