The True Cathedral Within The Notre Dame, Isis and Mary Magdalene, are ALL ASPECTS Within
Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Isis (etc) Are All Aspects WITHIN YOU
Nederlandse tekst in kader onder deze column
True Cathedral
The only true Cathedral (from Greek kathedra, our seat below) is our human body. Same with Church (the 'house' of the Kyrios or Lord), or Temple (the temporary place of El). As long as a hu-man does not Know who s/he is s/he lives in slavery. The land of bondage and the land of milk and honey is WITHIN You. NOW-HERE.
Notre Dame
'Notre Dame' (the 'female part' of creation) is of course also our 'dark' Mater-ial body. Where the Light is the Living (Energy) Force within. The part that can not 'die'. Life is a paradox. And can only be understood by those who seek (the Light) WITHIN. So let the only Election be for the Elite (the chosen) WITHIN You.
The Dame (dome) is 'our House', our body. So we all are here only by 'Her', the main goddess Isis. In other words: Par-Isis or Paris.
What the word 'mosque' means is probably related to the binding of power (mesh-ki) Where the minaret is the 'light house'. The K (ki, ka, chi) stands for Power, and the Ka-aba stands in that way for the main (male) power.
Lifeforce Energy harvesting
The buildings like the 'Notre Dame' are meant to harvest your life force energy (and so the harvesting of Soul Energy) of many: projecting THEIR OWN INNER powers outside themselves to be captured through buildings (among others).
The worhsip energy flows into the lower astral 'databank' and people do resonate with those 'data' from their own beLIEfs, even so that it seems they were there. Be careful in what you beLIEf in.
Those religious (with small letter r) buildings are built on top of focal points of Earth's energies (leylines) as well. I wrote a post about this subject in the Rewriting His Story group.
Know ThySelf and unlock the sacred and secrets in the sacred scriptures: all refers to YOUR OWN INNER.
Also this staged event can help you to go and see beyond the programs of relegion (with the small letter r) IF you stay out of it with your emotions, which are triggered to get harvested as well. Those staged events make those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear even more aware of what is going on in this world and age and they will not FALL for another program that they try to bring in.
All aspects written in the ancient scriptures are referring to YOUR inner aspects.
This also refers to the archetypes of Isis, Mary Magdalene and Jesus: we need to integrate and emerge those archetypes within ourselves to enter the 'new age'. No I am not talking about new age bs nor am I talking about NWO: you see 'they' inverted and perverted all true gnosis. We are moving on (or are we?) and beyond the Age of Pisces (religion with the small r = beLIEving) into the Age of Aquarius (knowing = inner gnowing) and eventually beyond all man made programs including Astrology. That is true Alchemy. (Zie tekst in kader onder deze column in het Nederlands: you will need google translate for translation into English.)
We people projected our inner 'technologies' outside ourselves in the 'outbreath' from the moment we came into existence as Souls. It is 'now' the time to breathe in all those projected 'technologies' and master them (again) by allowing our 'junk' DNA to unfold. Our chakra 'system' is an example of this and we need to align our separate chakra's into a Pilar of Light, by which also our inner organs and glands work together from Unity and interconnectedness. Because of this our total body intelligence is available for us and from there we connect with All that Is. And from there also with the Real Akasha Chronicles: from this inner space we will be able to discern the false and the lower Astral / Morfogenetic Fields which exist due to our own thought patterns. The total body intelligence IS 'just' there and our interconnectedness IS 'just' there. We don't need a technique outside ourselves. From full embodiment we have contact and are in interconnectedness with all we need in the 'now' moment. IF there is NO interference from outside!
Find your Inner Mystic
Going the path of the Mystic is an inner healing path for both woman and man: this is not a woman's thing only... nor a man's thing only.
mascha roedelof
Deze inspiratie mag vrij verspreid worden met Bronvermelding
mas©ha 2019
We are on the verge of a 'New Earth' which is already here for those with eyes to see and ears to here. I wrote this column back in 2010...
The New Earth
The New Earth is the Original Earth. We live in the Natural World in which all are supported. Poverty and other societal issues are of an old, deconstructing, constructed paradigm, which is dying. We ARE the bridge to the New, the Original, Natural World in which All Are Invited. No one is excluded, nor left behind. All Are Included in the Organic World.
The New Earth is not a place. The 'movement' to the New Earth IS the transition. But this is not an outer 'movement': this 'movement' is an inner one, you are 'moving' inner. Perceiving the New Earth, is a choice from your inner self. You can only experience the New Earth when you decide that you want to perceive her, and you no longer let yourself be distracted by illusions (which does not mean that in you there are no illusions anymore). Do you let yourself be touched by the resonances of the New Earth?
The New Earth Life
The New Earth Life is an inner realization based on an inner choice. It can be quite sobering to Live the New Earth. Here all the stories and illusions are seen through and they ask to be released. Nothing to hold on to anymore.
Once you Live the New Earth then in yourself everything will come to the light that withholds yourself to Live and to let Life Live, to let flow. The New Earth
The New Earth, a living together where you can completely Be yourSelf, where aware wise women and men live together in Freedom and Harmony with each other, beyond the female-male division and separation (within yourself) and all its entanglements and masks.
A place where Heaven fertilizes the Earth by which new creative life comes into existence, every moment again. This is the power and essence of Sexuality. The essence of Sexual Energy will increasingly come back into our memories. We go more and more feel through the essence of Energetic Sexuality also known as Supra Sex (no, not super sex).
If Mankind integrates this BeingAware, then all the confusion and entanglement is left behind, dissolved. We have a challenging growthPath ahead of us. Excerpt from this article I wrote back in 2007...
(You will need google translate for English translation.)
Vindt de cathedraal IN jeZelf
Het 'Heilige Geheim' is NIET dat we de 'Christos Nectar van Verlichting' moeten vinden
Alles wat je nodig hebt is IN jou
Jezus/Honing/Zon/Goddelijk Mannelijk/Electriciteit/Pijnappelklier
Maria Magdalena/Melk/Maan/Goddelijk Vrouwelijk/Magnetisme/Hypofyse
Daarom worden we in een VALS Electro-Magnetische atmosfeer gehouden. In Moeder Natuur vinden we ons eigen innerlijk Levensritme en Verbinding met de Bron LevensKracht Energie.
Vele Zielen zijn, aan het einde van dit tijdperk geďncarneerd met als Ziele-doel de essentie van de innerlijke Levenskracht Energie (Sexuele Energie), gevoed vanuit het Veld van Echte Liefde, te doorleven waardoor Ze deze niet langer weggeven aan het Spel van kerk en staat en Ze eindelijk de reďncarnatie cyclus / het recyclen van hun Ziel binnen deze zich steeds herhalende duale cycli bewust kunnen doorbreken. WijZelf zijn verantwoordelijk voor het STOPPEN met weggeven van onze LevenKracht Energie en moeten daarvoor volledig authentiek zijn, bewust aanwezig in het NU moment en ons Lichaam, onze Tempel, volledig bewonen.
Aan het einde van een tijdperk proberen 'the powers that should not be' zoveel mogelijk Zielen te oogsten voor nog eens 26.000 jaar duale cyclus: deze 'machten' zullen er alles aan doen om onze vrije wil en lichamen in beslag te blijven nemen. Het collectieve bewustzijn is in beslag genomen, waardoor de Mens gemanipuleerd en geďndoctrineerd / geprogrammeerd is om de agenda van de 'machten' te volgen. 'Transhumanism' staat op de agenda en het betekent een totale overname van onze Tempel. Niemand komt ons redden. Kerk en staat proberen jou onwetend te houden. Alle CULTuur is er voor bedoeld jou klein en onwetend te houden.
Alleen JIJZELF kunt jouw Soevereine Innerlijke Bron Kracht bevrijden en 'terugkeren' naar de BRON. Alleen JIJZELF kunt STOPPEN met het weggeven van jouw LevensKracht Energie waardoor anderen jou kunnen controleren. Alleen JIJZELF kan het 'Heilig Huwelijk' in jeZelf laten ontvouwen. Alleen JIJZELF kan jouw Ziel van ALLE Ziele-ervaringen helen en integreren met jouw Spirit.
Je bent dan weer de Bron, de leegte, daar waar alles is en niets is
Geen woorden, geen benoemen, geen labels... Geen onderscheid (in de betekenis van waardeoordeel) tussen de archetypische concepten als Jezus (het Christusbewustzijn) en Boeddha (de Boeddha-geest). Niet tussen Moeder Maria en Isis (Sophia en Shakti ofwel het Oervrouwelijke). Niet tussen Maria Magdalene, Lady Nada en Hathor. Of tussen Kali en Sekhmet... De verschillende Ziele-aspecten van jou hebben prachtige namen gekregen, maar zijn daardoor buiten jouzelf geplaatst: zowel Jezus, als Boeddha, als Moeder Maria, als Isis (Sophia en Shakti ofwel het Oervrouwelijke), Maria Magdalene, Lady Nada, Hathor, Kali, Sekhmet... Het zijn allemaal verwijzingen naar jouZelf... aspecten van jouZelf. De mensen hebben de 'demi-gods' geschapen: ook de 'demi-gods' zijn the many en niet the One: het zijn mensen die de 'demi-gods' geschapen hebben: een morfogenetisch veld waarin alle 'godsbeelden' en 'godsgedachten' en 'godsemoties' liggen opgeslagen als gevolg van 'aanbidding' bijvoorbeeld, maar ook als gevolg van angstbeelden die veroorzaakt zijn rondom 'God ofwel The One'. The One is the Still Undivided Light, the One Source Creator, The Field... Het benoemen van de Ene is lastig, omdat de Ene onbenoembaar is. We kunnen wel 'verwijzen' naar de Ene. We nemen kennis van de Ene door volledig in verbinding te zijn met onsZelf en daardoor met de Ene (Bron).
Dan is alles HEEL ofwel (W)HOLY... Within less than 48hrs they raised a bilj. Dollars from private people
Yes indeed there is a huge availabilty of 'old' money which could have housed the homeless all over the world.
Mourn for the children dying in poverty and pain, for the victims of phoney wars, for people with no homes or shelter, for the sick and the suffering, for creatures brought to the edges of extinction, for all the rampant abuses perpetrated by the “select” few at the expense of the many.
Indeed, this is the time to totally come into the NOW and realise what is going on with our fellow humans and all living beings. Exactly what Lily says: that is why I am such a passionate from the awareness of #ExistenceMoneyforAll which is not about money really but about our living togetherness on this Earth. The transition is not ABOUT money but goes VIA money. The life impulses are here to do justice to ALL living beings. We ourselves DO justice (or not: free choice)...
"Thoughts on Notre Damn
For all of us who see beyond the drama and the obvious smoke’s just a building and it “caught” fire.
Within its precincts in centuries passed many burned to death persecuted by religious institutions that feared the truth of human consciousness and power.
Weep not for the stones, timbers, the “majesty” of the religious iconography and the ancient relics, which were squirrelled away 4 days ago in any case!
These are not icons of hope...they are symbols of oppression, cruelty and slavery. Let them all burn to dust.
We are all so much greater than this. Let it burn, let it smoulder, let these cleansing fires be the fuel to the inner fires of pure consciousness that sees the truth through the smoke.
We need no such “seats of power” when our own holy temples lie withIN, when Nature herself provides such divine designs of miracles, solace and harmony all around us.
Our power is not in stones, in perspiring spires, in crumbling edifices of an outmoded archaic system of beLIEf that seeks only control, power and riches.
Mourn for the children dying in poverty and pain, for the victims of phoney wars, for people with no homes or shelter, for the sick and the suffering, for creatures brought to the edges of extinction, for all the rampant abuses perpetrated by the “select” few at the expense of the many.
And take courage, dear friends, the archaic false power of the Saturnian cult is waning, and let them burn in karmic fires. Amidst the distractions and the smoke screens we RISE.
We are powerful beyond the measuring of it, and as symbols go let’s take this one...WE claim back OUR true power as phoenixes rising from ashes."
~Lily Brunton De verdiepende teksten en inzichten vanuit de Bron en de essentie van Tantra op mijn blog 'Samen Leven vanuit de Essentie van Tantra' en de tag 'Tantra' op deze website, mijn dochter website 'Het Gekruide Pad', en de teksten, inzichten en columns op mijn website Het Bewuste Pad, stel ik vrijelijk beschikbaar. Als je mijn teksten en inzichten wilt waarderen, nodig ik je uit daar expressie aan te geven door bij te dragen aan mijn vrije bestaan.